
Why This Welding Method Is Gaining Popularity in the Solar Industry

In the ever-increasing search for effective, efficient, and economical solutions for the solar industry, ultrasonic welding is emerging as one of the more usable technologies available for manufacturing solar panels. Ultrasonic welding is a clean way of manufacturing solar panels. It doesn’t rely on fossil fuels or other polluting materials to produce the energy it […]

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Rosie the Riveter

After the Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941 and the U.S. officially entered World War II, all men between the ages 18 and 45 were required to enlist in the military while all men between 18 and 65 had to register. From 1940 to 1947, over 10 million men were inducted, which left a huge […]

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What is Orbital Welding?

The term ‘orbital welding’ is an important subject matter when discussing welding or manufacturing. A staple of the modern welding skill set, it’s vital for those in the industry to understand and maintain awareness of, and learning this specialty can help you get ahead in your welding career. Orbital welding, simply explained, is a way to […]

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Work Your Way Up: Advanced Welding Career Paths

The challenges presented by working on different projects can be rewarding for many. There are several avenues open to those who seek increased job variety, more responsibility and higher earnings. Advanced welding career paths in engineering, inspection or robotics typically require additional education and credentials. A welding degree or certification is usually the starting point […]

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Shale Boom in the Gulf Coast: Welders Desperately Needed

The executive vice-president of Bechtel Corp, the largest construction contractor in the U.S., has advice to those who are wondering what career to pursue. He says simply, “Learn to weld.” The recent shale boom on the Gulf Coast has created an inordinate demand for welders and other craft workers. The concern of contractors is that there will […]

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Benefits of an Associate’s Degree in Welding Occupational Studies

When it comes to welding, like most any career path, one can find serious fulfillment or just a job. A lot depends on how much homework and planning a person puts into the career to make it produce a life that the person wants. A Tulsa Welding School degree can be very helpful in that […]

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More Skilled Workers Needed As Welded Joints Replace Rivets in Construction

Welded joints have been steadily replacing rivets in the construction of steel-frame buildings. Welded joints offer tremendous savings in that a welded section offers more strength than a riveted section does. In fact, the loss of strength on a riveted section is substantial at 30 to 50 percent. Why Welded Joints are Replacing Rivets in the […]

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