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FAQ about Financial Aid
Will you qualify? Do you have to pay the money back? Is it only one application?
We have answers to these frequently asked student questions about financial aid and more below. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for here, give us a call. Our Financial Aid Advisors are standing by.
Financial Aid FAQ: Students
Most students are eligible to receive financial aid from the federal government to fund their investment in trade school. Several factors influence eligibility: whether or not you completed high school or have a GED, are enrolled or accepted as a student in a qualifying program and more. See this Federal Student Aid Department infographic for all of the requirements to qualify for financial aid.
- Scholarships: You do not have to pay back scholarships.
- Federal Grants: If you withdraw early from your training program, switch from full-time
enrollment to part-time or if you received outside scholarships or grants that reduced your
need for federal aid, then you might have to repay part or all of your federal grants.i - Loans: Loans must be repaid with interest.ii
There is only one application to determine your Federal Loan and Grant eligibility. Various parts of the application, however, might warrant verification by completing subsequent documents. Depending on other sources of funding you apply for, there may be additional applications or documents to complete.
No. Scholarships and grants are gift aid to help fund your training investment.iii Federal
student aid is also NOT based on credit history, but on eligibility. Your credit history can influence the Federal Parent PLUS loan or any private loans.iv
FAFSAs can be subject to a random process called verification. This requires that the applicant either use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool on the FAFSA or provide a copy of his or her taxes for that year. Please contact your TWS Financial Aid Advisor to see if you qualify to use the online tool for the fastest results. Until selected, please do not provide tax documents to the school. Call us at (855) 232-0586.
A complete tuition plan is a key step in securing your seat in class. Completing the FAFSA quickly upon enrolling helps us map out a financial plan for your investment and ensure you have funding for your program. There are many steps to financial aid and additional documentation may be required. The sooner the FAFSA is completed, the sooner we will know what additional documents, if any, are needed. Additionally, “Gift Aid” is often first come, first serve. The sooner you complete the process, the less likely it is to run out.
Financial Aid FAQ: Parents
If the following information describes you, then the Department of Education considers you a dependent of your parents, meaning you rely on them for financial support:
- You are under the age of 24.
- You are not married.
- You have no children or dependents.
- Some unusual circumstances may require exceptions. (Custody is not a qualifier)
If you are a dependent, then your parents’ information is required on the FAFSA. This does not make your parents liable for any loans under their name. Instead, it helps to determine
what federal grants you may qualify for.
There are circumstances under which the student and school can appeal to override the need for parent information. These include abandonment, death, incarceration or institutionalization. Call us at (855) 232-0586 for more information.
Yes. Parents who are not citizens or do not have a SSN will still be able to fill out the FAFSA.
They will enter all zeros as their SSN, and they will need to physically print a signature page, sign and mail the copy to us.
Our addresses are listed below.
Tulsa, OK: 2545 E 11th Street, Tulsa, OK, 74104
Jacksonville, FL: 3500 Southside Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32216
Houston, Texas: 243A Greens Rd., Houston, TX 77060
Dallas Metro, Texas: 700 E. Airport Freeway, Irving, TX 75062
Phoenix, AZ: 4210 E. Washington St., Phoenix, AZ 85034
If your parents did not file taxes, they will simply indicate that on the FAFSA with “will not
file” and answer any additional income questions.
The parent who you live with or supports you more than 50 percent of the time will need to include his or her information on the FAFSA. If that parent happens to be remarried, their spouse’s information will need to be included on the FAFSA as well.
Depending on the school, some of the financial aid documents can be transferred over from TWS. There is no risk or obligation from filling out these forms until you have sat in class and are officially attending TWS.
Financial Aid Resources
Step-by-Step Guide to Filling Out FAFSA: Click here
Federal Student Aid (FSA): Click here
FAFSA4caster Tool (Get an Estimate of How Much Aid You’re Eligible For): Click here
Tuition Calculator: Click here
State Financial Aid Program Locator: Click here
The Office of Federal Student Aid Resource List: Click here

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