StrataTech Education Group Supports Skilled Trades
StrataTech Education Group is the parent company of Tulsa Welding School. The group supports the skilled trades through vocational training programs and scholarships to help TWS students fund their educational investment.i
TWS Scholarship Requirements:
- You must meet all regular requirements for admission and have a start date for training before applying for a scholarship.
- TWS places students in shifts based on availability. Students may not transfer their scholarships from one program or shift to another.
- Changing your start date could cause you to lose your scholarship.
StrataTech Scholarships for TWS Students
What is it?
- A scholarship for TWS students with financial need after completing the FAFSA and
accepting all state, agency and federal aid offered. Award amounts are a minimum of
$500 for eligible applicants
When is it?
- This scholarship is need-based and can be awarded any time of year.
Who can apply?
- Students enrolled in a TWS training program.
- Students who have demonstrated financial need as determined by the FAFSA
application process.
How to apply?
- Contact your Student Financial Services representative.
What is it?
- An academic scholarship for high school graduates who have maintained a GPA of
2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale. The maximum award amount is $1,500.
When is it?
- All applications must be received by the applicable deadline as listed on the scholarship information page.
Who can apply?
- Students that are currently attending or who have recently completed High School and are
enrolled in an applicable start date and program as designated on the scholarship
information page.
How to apply?
- Contact your Student Financial Services representative.
Maximum $1,500
Eligibility Criteria
To be awarded the scholarship, students must:
- have obtained a valid proof of graduation received through an alternative High School program (GED/Adult High School) within 6 months prior to enrollment;
- be enrolled into a STEG program offered at any STEG School;
- complete a Scholarship Request Form;
- apply for and accept all available agency, state, and/or federal student aid before requesting consideration for this scholarship program
- demonstrate financial need as determined by the Tuition Planning process;
- have no lapse in proper registration or break in attendance; and
- maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress.
Learn more about the Alternative Adult Education Scholarship.
Maximum $1,500
Eligibility Criteria:
To be awarded the scholarship, students must:
- be a graduate from any program at any of the StrataTech Education Group schools;
- be enrolled in an eligible program at any of the StrataTech Education Group schools;
- complete an Alumni Scholarship Request Form;
- have no lapse in proper registration; and
- maintain all aspects of Satisfactory Academic Progress
Learn more about the Alumni Scholarship.
Maximum Amount $2,500
Eligibility Criteria
To be awarded the scholarship, students must:
- be enrolled in a program at any StrataTech Education Group campus;
- be a U. S. citizen or permanent resident;
- have a parent who is an active duty, reservist, or National Guard member currently serving in a branch of the United States military, which includes the U.S. Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard or a retired or honorably discharged veteran;
- provide acceptable documentation to verify their eligibility to include:
a. Birth Certificate of student, or other documentation to prove relationship to military service member; and
b. A copy of the DD214 that reflects a character of service status of honorable, general discharge, or under honorable conditions for the parent who is a veteran or retired; or
c. A letter from the Commanding Officer reflecting the active military status of the parent who is Active Duty, Active Reserves, or Active National Guard; and
d. Present a valid active duty, active reserve, or active National Guard Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card for review. Individual Ready Reserves and Inactive National Guard Identification Cards are unacceptable as proof of active reserves or National Guard Status; - have already completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA);
- apply for all applicable state, agency, and/or federal student aid;
- have completed the financial aid process and been issued an offer letter;
- complete a STEG Military Scholarship Request Form;
- have no lapse in proper registration or break in attendance
Learn more about the Military Scholarship Program.
Maximum amount $2,500
Eligibility Criteria
An Applicant must be a Native American, verified by the following:
- Applicant is enrolled on a federal recognized tribe enrollment roll and identified by a tribal enrollment document or official letter from the tribe;
- Applicant is eligible for enrollment on a federal recognized tribe enrollment roll and identified by a tribal enrollment document or official letter from the tribe;
- A one-paragraph summary must be written explaining why you are in need and deserving of this scholarship. This will be used in the selection process to determine eligibility.
- Must pass the first half of their program to officially be eligible for the scholarship.
- If awarded, the scholarship will be applied incrementally to the student’s account over the first Academic Year of the student’s program.
- Applicant Must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress with 90% attendance and a “B” average.
Learn more about the Native American Scholarship.

We’re Here to Help.
Do you have questions about the scholarship application process, need help filling out the forms or have to verify enrollment? Our Student Financial Services representatives can help with all of this and much more. Give us a call today.
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